Tse Value has provided advice and valuation reports on a wide range of commercial and industrial projects.
Given our range of services, depth of experience and specialist knowledge, we have also been able to provide clients with dependable advice on more unique or complex projects such as historic buildings, marae and unique portfolio assets.
Heavy Industry
- Aluminium processing
- Chemical Plants
- Fertiliser Manufacturers
- Electrical Generation & Reticulation
- Mining (iron ore, coal, bauxite, gold),
- Pulp & Paper
- Steel Industry
- Cement Works
Food Processing
- Flour Mills
- Pack Houses
- Ice Cream manufacture
- Tea & Coffee
- Packaging Industries
- Bakery and Food related products
- Chillers and Cold Stores
- Salt Processing
Business Assets
- IT & Computing Assets
- Office fitout, furniture & equipment
- Leasehold assets
- Retail stores
- Marine Facilities
- Hotels/Motels & Clubs
- Retirement & Rest Homes
- Tertiary & Educational
Central and Local Government
- Infrastructural Assets
- Civic Buildings
- Community Housing
- Swimming Pools
- Parks and Reserves
- Special purpose structures
- Pharmaceuticals production
- Plastics moulding and processing
- Engineering Workshops
- Postal and Mail facilities
- Earthmoving and Construction
- Joinery (Aluminium) Manufacture
- Gas processing & distribution
- Newspaper Printing & Publishing
- Vehicle servicing and assembly
- Forestry, Saw Mills,Timber Processing
- Carpet Manufacture
- Laboratories
- Chemical processing