Property Planning & Project Implementation Services
We assist clients strategically plan their real estate portfolio, often comprising both owned and leased properties. With knowledge of the building stock and provision of services nationwide, we specialise in providing options to clients who require review or re-organisation of their premises to meet changing business needs.
Economic Feasibility Assessments
We provide the economic analysis on property options that clients require to make sound decisions on lease or purchase.
Building & Site Procurement
We assist clients evaluate their requirements and identify suitable sites based on location, land value, and indicative building costs. In addition, when requested, we are able to use our relationship with specialist professionals to co-ordinate an investigation of planning constraints and commercial risk assessment. In consultation with clients, we then evaluate a range of potential options and enable them to develop their facility. We provide this service for industrial and commercial clients throughout NZ.
Disposal of Surplus premises
Tse Value advises on the rationalisation and/or disposal of surplus property or surplus property leases that no longer have a fit with the client’s business or financial objectives. On client request, we act on their behalf to prepare surplus property for disposal and work with a real estate agent to achieve a sale or lease conclusion to minimise cost and/or maximise return.
Lease Negotiations
On behalf of clients we negotiate the best possible lease terms for lease tenancy. We also manage the renegotiation of terms and lease renewals, review rents and manage end of lease negotiations.
Commercial Transactions
Clients are provided with the valuation advice and reports required for a specific transaction or a package of interlocking transactions such as, going concerns, liquidations, receiverships, auctions, forced sales, financing, and others.
Special Projects
Tse Value’s range of services, depth of specialist knowledge and experienced professional staff, mean we can provide clients with the dependable advice they need for unique or more complex projects.